Grunt, Bower, Sass, Cssmin, Server guide

The project

The skeleton-grunt-bower-server plugin developed by Jaspaul Aggarwal is a open source github project.

Its a perfect plugin for rookies and professionals in the web development industry who want a instant setup.


Once the git project is cloned. You get all the instant benefits of a web development build system to make html, css and js pages.

  • Grunt – A task runner built in Javascript
  • Bower – A package manager tool. Allowing you to install and manage packages along with dependencies. As a bonus, you will also get the following useful tools bundled with Bower:
    • Font-Awesome – Using a huge library of font icons instead of images across your site is the most optimised. Instead of downloading separate images, font awesome provides a library of read made icons. They are also super sharp retina and you can change the size and colours without taking a extra hit on file weights. Also integrated with Sass.
    • jQuery – jQuery version 3 ready to be used and minified
    • featherlight – Do you want popups on your site? This is the lightest library around and also responsive. Wide variety of options and easy to theme
    • slick-carousel – Most sites have carousels in one form or another. Slick carousel is extremely light, responsive and considers accessibility.
  • Sass – Keep your css organised, clean and small.
  • Live-reload – Automatically reload your browser while you code. Sounds simple but saves so much time overall
  • Javascript concat and minify/uglify – Grunt will concatenate your Javascript files and minify them to give the best performance and a low file size
  • grunt-contrib-connect – A local web server instantly displaying the site you make as you develop
  • Css minify/uglify – Grabs the css file and compresses it to get the best performance and a low file size

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