- Ownership of the full cycle of coding, including development, testing, deployment, maintenance, improvement and documentation. Architect and setup of frontend infrastructure: NextJS, Typescript, MUI, Emotion, Eslint, Prettier, Storybook, Tailwind, Jest unit tests, React-query, React form hooks
- High code coverage of all code via Unit test with 187 tests of states such as success, error. Isolating components by mocking components and data requests
- Setup Github workflow to automate storybook deployment/hosting, lightning and unit test automation checks
- Creation of frontend starterkit (https://www.npmjs.com/package/@idotai/create-starter-kit) to enable team to install new instances of frontend via ‘npx’ one line commands
- Developed an entire application (https://github.com/i-dot-ai/ellandi) for civil service to record skills, learning records and generate reports. Fully responsive, high accessibility and 188 written unit tests. Converted from Figma
- Contribution towards GovUK design system GIT repository
- Development of short React applications projects for Prime minister (NDA)
- Development of entire frontend design system for Python applications. Utilising Vite, Storybook, Typescript, Web components and Python Jinja template language
- Architect best solutions depending on requirements such as frontend starter kit, external design library, native web components for non-react projects e.g. python, live documentation e.g. storybook
- Lead React and integrated Typescript, Storybook, Jest, React Testing library, Rollup, Google Tag Manager and Analytics, React Intl (locale and translations), Websockets, Material UI and Figma
- Creation of React hook for browser messaging solution across browser tabs utilising the postMessage() api.
- Styling of components with Styled-components and emotion/style
- Coding standards with eslint, prettier and storybook styling rules
- Support for WordPress, Responsive applications,
- Creation of common library as react npm package
- API spikes for LinkedIn, Payment/ID verification
- Working with designer to setup new digital asset library and setup style rules for entire company
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