I was very impressed with the design of the website, which was user friendly, added value to our work and created within the deadline. On meeting Jaspaul, It is clear he is an intelligent worker, keen to improve his employability within the IT industry and has an admirable work ethic. I can unreservedly recommend him to any prospective employer
Professor Alec Reed, Founder of Reed Executive
Schoolthink is a project by the Reed College of Enterprise Network. The goal of the schoolthink.co.uk scheme is to encourage students to chat about their schools and give suggestions and ideas on how certain aspects can be improved and to research the following topics:
- Improving pupil behavior
- School event ideas
- Fundraising
- School rules and policies
- Exam and Coursework tips
- Ideas for teaching and lessons
- The school buildings
My role was to work directly with Haoming Yau to take full control of all web aspects from setting up the server to developing the end product. This was a very interesting project which is a great asset to my career and has allowed me to network with different people including Professor Alec Reed.
- Setup of server, database
- Content management system – although was not a requirement, I wanted all users (regardless of web developing expertise) to be able to access the site and make changes as they wish. This saved a lot of time as users were able to make content changes instantly rather then email and wait for me. Also it meant I could focus more on the design and development. Form feedback – Allow students to enter feedback and comments which are submitted to a central database accessed by staff
- High quality design – meet the requirements of the world web standards for XHTML strict decleration. This means that the site is accessible for all users, compatible with most devices and is optimized for viewing.
- Open source tools – build a web application that uses to open source solutions to ensure stability, security, efficiency and patent free development.
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